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Interdisciplinaria ; 37(1): 21-22, jun. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124921


Resumen La teoría de la mente emerge en el desarrollo con anterioridad a la memoria episódica, posibilitando a través de la capacidad de metarrepresentación el desdoblamiento y viaje mental que ella misma implica. Para la evaluación de los procesos se administraron las Historias Extrañas de Happé, el Test de las miradas, el Test de Aprendizaje Verbal España-Complutense y una tarea experimental a 20 mujeres con diagnóstico de Síndrome de Turner y sus respectivos controles. Los resultados indican dificultades en ambos procesos cognitivos y correlaciones entre la teoría de la mente e indicadores de memoria episódica de contenido y de la fuente. Se hipotetiza que la anatomía cerebral atípica, propia de esta población, traería problemas en el desarrollo de la teoría de la mente y esto, a su vez, podría asociarse con dificultades en los mecanismos de metarrepresentación y reexperimentación subjetiva de vivencias que la memoria episódica implica. Los resultados obtenidos permiten una mayor comprensión del perfil neuropsicológico de las mujeres con diagnóstico de Síndrome de Turner y podrían servir de insumo teórico para el diseño de estrategias clínicas y psicoeducativas que tiendan a fomentar, en esta población, las habilidades de teoría de la mente y memoria episódica.

Abstract The present study explores the relations between the cognitive and affective processes of theory of mind and verbal episodic memory in women diagnosed with Turner Syndrome, a chromosomal disorder caused by a missing or incomplete X chromosome in females. Women with this diagnostic present an atypical cerebral morphology affecting frontal and temporoparietal zones. These areas match the neuroanatomic substratum shared by both theory of mind and episodic memory. The concept of theory of mind refers to the ability to anticipate others' social behavior through the attribution and understanding of mental entities such as desires, beliefs, emotions and intentions. It is a complex skill that involves not only the mental representation of something that cannot be observed directly, but also the decentration of one's own perspective and the use of these skills to predict behaviors. This ability is composed by two different processes: a cognitive theory of mind that refers to the ability to make inferences about desires, beliefs and intentions of other people; and an affective theory of mind, related to the ability to infer others' emotions, understanding the affective mental states and adopting the point of view of the other person, without experiencing these emotions. In the particular case of women diagnosed with Turner Syndrome, there is evidence supporting the hypothesis that this population presents general difficulties in this ability, showing a greater deficit in cognitive theory of mind. On the other hand, episodic memory consists of the memory that one has of past experiences. This memory system is a psychological process of paramount importance for human beings, since it enables the remembrance of something that has happened a long time ago. It allows the person to re-experience events that occurred earlier in his or her life, involving the ability to generate meta-representational comments on how knowledge was obtained. This way, people revive, through self-awareness, previous experiences and also project similar experiences to the future. Episodic memory can be divided into the memory about the occurrence of an event (item memory) and the memory of the phenomenological context of the event, which involves the handling of spatial, temporal, emotional and perceptual information (source memory). It is considered that theory of mind has an earlier development than episodic memory, enabling through the capacity of meta-representation the unfolding and mental journey that episodic memory implies. In order to evaluate these processes, a battery of four tests was administered to 20 women diagnosed with Turner Syndrome and their respective controls: Happé Strange Stories, the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test, the Spain-Complutense Verbal Learning Test and an experimental task. Results indicate difficulties in both cognitive processes, as well as correlations between theory of mind and indicators of item and source memory. A possible hypothesis could argue that the atypical cerebral anatomy of women diagnosed with Turner Syndrome would result in theory of mind deficits, and these in turn could be associated with difficulties in the capacities of meta-representation and subjective re-experimentation of past events needed by episodic memory. These results enable a better comprehension of the neuropsychological profile of women diagnosed with Turner Syndrome and could serve as a theoretical input for the design of clinical and psychoeducational strategies that tend to promote theory of mind and episodic memory in this population.

Rev. iberoam. psicol. (En línea) ; 12(2): 69-78, 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1253284


La teoría de la mente refiere a la capacidad cognitiva de atribuir mente a los demás y de predecir y comprender su comportamiento en términos de entidades mentales como creencias, deseos e intenciones. Investigaciones recientes sugieren una distinción entre una teoría de la mente afectiva y una cognitiva, asignándoles un sustrato neuroanatómico específico. El Síndrome de Turner es un trastorno genético determinado por la deleción total o parcial del cromosoma X en el sexo femenino. Dadas las características biológicas, psicológicas y sociales encontradas en estas mujeres, pueden ser consideradas como una población relevante para el estudio de la teoría de la mente según parámetros biológicos como la expresión diferencial de los genes del cromosoma X. Objetivos y métodos: los objetivos de este estudio fueron describir la teoría de la mente cognitiva y afectiva en 22 mujeres con diagnóstico de Síndrome de Turner y determinar si existen perfiles distintivos de teoría de la mente asociados al cariotipo. Resultados y discusión: Los resultados indicaron que las mujeres con diagnóstico de Síndrome de Turner presentan dificultades generales en teoría de la mente, observándose un menor rendimiento en el aspecto cognitivo de esta capacidad. Asimismo, se encontró que un mayor daño genético se encuentra relacionado a mayores dificultades en la teoría de la mente cognitiva, vinculada a zonas corticales de procesamiento no automático

Theory of mind refers to the cognitive ability to attribute mind to others, and to predict and understand their behavior in terms of mental entities such as beliefs, desires and intentions. Recent research suggests a distinction between an affective and a cognitive theory of mind, assigning a specific neuroanatomical substrate to each one. Turner Syndrome is a genetic disorder that only affects women, and it's determined by a partial or complete deletion of the X-chromosome. Given the biological, psychological and social characteristics found in these women, they can be considered as a relevant population for the study of theory of mind according to biological parameters such as differential expression of the X-chromosome genes. Aims and methods: The aims of this study were to describe cognitive and affective theory of mind in 22 women diagnosed with Turner Syndrome and to determine if there are distinctive theory of mind profiles depending on the karyotype. Results and discussion: Results indicated that women diagnosed with Turner Syndrome present general difficulties in theory of mind, showing a lower performance on the cognitive aspect of this ability. Additionally, evidence was found suggesting that a greater genetic damage is related to greater difficulties in cognitive theory of mind, which is linked to cortical areas of non-automatic processing.

Humanos , Síndrome de Turner , Cromossomos , Doenças Genéticas Inatas , Cromossomo X , Comportamento , Genômica , Diagnóstico , Teoria da Mente , Fatores Sociológicos , Genes